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Scotlund Haisley of HSUS and his team of fellow angels have been hard at work again, this time deep in the woods of Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Québec.

The Team standing amongst 100 poles and chains ending over a decade of suffering. Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Quebec Sled Dog Rescue 11.17.09

In his own words, here is Scotlund’s account of the rescue:

Yesterday we rescued approximately 100 husky mixes who had spent their lives hauling tourists through the snow as part of a commercial sled dog business. After the dogs had been used for everything they had the business went belly-up and they were left to deteriorate on the ends of chains in the cold Canadian woods. Luckily, thanks to our team and our friends at the SPCA Laurentides-Labelle, these dogs’ story would not end here.

Happy to see Scotlund

When we arrived at the scene yesterday morning we were prepared to experience some distrust or skittishness from these animals but as we approached they strained excitedly against their bindings to reach us and receive the love they so desperately desired. It is an amazing reward for an animal rescuer to be licked by grateful dogs who have been confined in a cage or, in this case, on a chain their entire existence.

These dogs stuck to us like Velcro as we made our way through the wooded clearing releasing them from their heavy shackles. These abandoned souls were the ultimate victims of man’s incredible capacity for greed – forced to work themselves to exhaustion for the monetary gain of their captor all while being forced to live in neglectful confinement. These hard-working dogs received no reward for their labor but yesterday they finally got the reward they deserved. They are on their way to living the life every dog should have – a member of a loving family who goes for walks and sleeps on a bed.

After a long, cold day trudging through the mud, our team let out a collective sigh of relief when the last dog was finally safe on our transport vehicle. It was then that we were able to uproot the heavy metal posts and chains, which had enslaved these dogs in six foot circles, from the ground and remove them from the property so they may never cause suffering again.

The day ended on a somber note as the field team stood around the pit in which deceased dogs had been thoughtlessly discarded. We had a moment of silence for those we were too late to save and spoke words of remorse for the potential for joy and fulfillment that was stolen from these amazing animals. We almost did not want to leave the property, as we had become connected to the ghosts of hundreds of dogs who perished before they could taste freedom and experience love.

The ugly truth of neglect

Approximately 100 deserving dogs are now receiving medical care and attention from dedicated staff and volunteers from United Animal Nations, Humane Society International, the SPCA Laurentides-Labelle and HSUS at our emergency shelter. Later this week the team will set forth on another transport, which will take these former sled dogs further along their journey home.

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Rebecca Aldworth, Director of Humane Society International/Canada also shares her account of the rescue:

Imagine being left in a forest, chained to a tree, without regular access to proper food, clean water or adequate shelter. Imagine growing more and more desperate as the days and weeks go by, your cries unanswered.

For approximately 100 neglected sled dogs in Quebec, this was reality until their owner surrendered them, and Humane Society International and the SPCA Laurentide-Labelle arrived to rescue them.

As we walked onto the property, my heart broke. The huskies had been chained to plywood structures over barren stretches of frozen mud. Hungry and dehydrated, they were unable to move more than the two-meter radius their chains permitted.

I am always amazed by the power of dogs to forgive. It was as if they realized we were there to help them, and slowly the miserable, emaciated huskies began to wag their tails as we approached. The dogs began to bark in excitement, but one remained quiet, waiting as his friends were rescued. I went to him and, as I grew closer, I realized he was blind because of cataracts–another casualty of the neglect these dogs endured. Carefully, we walked him to freedom, and the promise of a better life.

We arrived just in time. Winter is coming, and many of these dogs may not have survived without our intervention. With extreme cold temperatures approaching, these dogs–including a number of puppies–could have faced a horrific death.

Thankfully, our rescue operation was a complete success. One by one, we led or carried the dogs into our Emergency Services vehicle, and transported them to our emergency shelter an hour away–space generously donated by a local businessperson. There, dedicated volunteers from United Animal Nations will provide round-the-clock care, while SPCA LL veterinarians will treat and vaccinate the dogs. Once healthy, these deserving dogs will be adopted out to loving homes in Canada and the United States.

While these lucky dogs are now safe in their warm, temporary enclosures, so many more less fortunate animals across Canada still face neglect and abuse. With your help, we can ensure sled dogs and other animals do not have to face this kind of misery again.

Please give what you can to help us continue to fight cruelty by rescuing animals and advocating for stronger laws:

Together, we can make animal suffering a thing of the past.

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