
Archive for September 20th, 2009

One year ago today, we brought Kaylee home


Here she is today . . . quite the different dog than she was back then

Kaylee_summer 09

Such a beautiful girl!

Last September Kaylee was malnourished, extremely timid of everyone and everything, she didn’t know how to play — not with us, not with toys, nor with other dogs.

There was just no spark in her eyes. No life.

Today she is a happy, playful, funny dog with so much love to give.

Kaylee @ Conroy

A wonderful girl who is very much loved in return.


Kaylee @ backdoor summer 09

It’s been a year of many changes, and those changes have taken a lot of time and effort on both our parts — hers and mine, but Kaylee is one of the shining examples of why dog rescue is so important. She spent the first three years of her life abused, neglected and confined to a tiny wire cage, exposed to the outdoor elements without companionship, and often without food or clean drinking water.

Kaylee June 09

Others had to have seen her suffering, but no one did anything. Finally one woman cared enough to speak up and I will be forever grateful to her for that.

Many thanks, as always, to Debra at Arbed Rescue. Your devotion to the dogs is second to none. We need more people like you.

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